Saturday, 1 November 2008

update sixteen: birthday bouquet!

i was inspired today in the first time for a loooong while to wrote on my poor sad neglected little blog (awwww....)

Ok so it was my birthday today (come to think of it, at the time of writing... it still is in the UK.. oooh gotta love these 36 hour birthdays!) and I had a lovely day blah blah blah... but the highlight was this afternoon when I was driving with my friend Sam in remote countryside... at the side of the road I spotted a handwritten sign "peonies $3"

Now... peonies are my absolute fave flower and so I thought I would stop & treat myself (well I AM the birthday girl!) so I duly screeched to a halt, but once Sam had peeled himself off the windcreen, (and after much searching under all seats for any loose change) we realised we had only $1 cash between us. Drat. (just don't think these 'yokel' farmers take visa.... )

Anyway, I opened my purse again and there was a $2 coin in there that I SWEAR was not there the first time I looked!!! so happily I hopped out & dashed over to the Land Rover parked up at the farm gates.

flowerseller: "hello! the peonies are $5 for a bunch"

hmmm i had misread the sign.*

me: "ohh but I only have $3 in cash, can I maybe get a single stem for that?"

flower seller "sorry no...."

(me: "sigh")

flowerseller: "but you can have the whole bunch .... merry christmas!!!"

me: "well actually it's 'happy birthday' but THANKS!"

and so I bounced back to the car with a perfect bunch of flowers.. and quite clearly heard God say.. "Happy Birthday Charlotte!"



* I did actually misread the sign (we checked as we drove away!) didnt want you to think I had fallen foul of an unscrupulous roadside kiwi bandit! ;)


Unknown said...

Oooooo how lovely - gotta love a peonie - although I'm a pink fan myself. I always have flowers in my room, although haven't any this wk. Think today that will be my reason to leave the house! It's grey and being redundant I'm not v motivated today to get out there! x

Ron McK said...

Wishing you a happy birthday and blessed new year.