Ok so it was my birthday today (come to think of it, at the time of writing... it still is in the UK.. oooh gotta love these 36 hour birthdays!) and I had a lovely day blah blah blah... but the highlight was this afternoon when I was driving with my friend Sam in remote countryside... at the side of the road I spotted a handwritten sign "peonies $3"
Now... peonies are my absolute fave flower and so I thought I would stop & treat myself (well I AM the birthday girl!) so I duly screeched to a halt, but once Sam had peeled himself off the windcreen, (and after much searching under all seats for any loose change) we realised we had only $1 cash between us. Drat. (just don't think these 'yokel' farmers take visa.... )
Anyway, I opened my purse again and there was a $2 coin in there that I SWEAR was not there the first time I looked!!! so happily I hopped out & dashed over to the Land Rover parked up at the farm gates.
flowerseller: "hello! the peonies are $5 for a bunch"
hmmm i had misread the sign.*
me: "ohh but I only have $3 in cash, can I maybe get a single stem for that?"
flower seller "sorry no...."
(me: "sigh")
flowerseller: "but you can have the whole bunch .... merry christmas!!!"
me: "well actually it's 'happy birthday' but THANKS!"
and so I bounced back to the car with a perfect bunch of flowers.. and quite clearly heard God say.. "Happy Birthday Charlotte!"
* I did actually misread the sign (we checked as we drove away!) didnt want you to think I had fallen foul of an unscrupulous roadside kiwi bandit! ;)
Oooooo how lovely - gotta love a peonie - although I'm a pink fan myself. I always have flowers in my room, although haven't any this wk. Think today that will be my reason to leave the house! It's grey and being redundant I'm not v motivated today to get out there! x
Wishing you a happy birthday and blessed new year.
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