Monday, 11 February 2008

update sixteen: shadowfeet
hello i'm still here. clinging on (somewhat precariously!) to the bottom of the world....!

ok, so new years resolution #1 was to get back into my beloved writing and also to get back in touch with those of you to whom I owe a huge apology for not being in touch.

Umm.... so I never actually stipulated which 'new year' and the chinese one just happened a few days ago so maybe Im not that far out after all... (Xin Nian Kuai Le everyone!!!)

SOOOOOO much (and conversely SOOOOO little) has happened in the past year. It's been an incredibly tough one, a learning curve to the power of ten and then add the number you first thought of!

Too much to say initially and I just don't know where to begin, so im not going to right now and instead I am going to unashamedly cheat and invite you - if you have a moment (and audio on your computer!)- to click on the 'listen to the music' 'play' button on the sidebar of this blog.

Brooke Fraser is a hugely popular kiwi musician (incredible as her songs are so overtly christian and this country is so overtly not!)

Anyway, her song 'Shadowfeet' sums it all up 100% more eloquently than I could right now. Awesome. (ooh 'kiwi-speak' alert!)

will be back soon with some proper updates on my new-look (anti-facebook) blog

..... and would be great to hear your news too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Charlotte, How are you? It is Edwin here from Christian Healing Mission, the evening crew!! While surfing the net I have come across your blog for all the amusing work you are doing for the lord. I will remember you in my prayers.
Take Care, Oh by the way,
my email is


Edwin Lee