from l-r : sis (the lovely rachey), me, (me) dad ( Jaoow), mum (Mrs Grace Bates), and bro (rod-er-ney.)
Well, another week, another scintillating round-up from Rangiora... yes yes, the highlight of your week I know... simmer down now,... (certainly the highlight of mine (and sadly that last comment was not made in jest...!)
I remember my first week here (all those years ago....) I was just heading out for my first trip into Christchurch, and I asked Christine for a few tips on what to see..... Cathedral Square featured highly and as well as the (rather obvious) must-see of the Cathedral, this included the sculpture of (and I quote) The "Cellist" , a landmark of Christchurch....
A little while later, fresh of the bus I found myself in the square by the cathedral (looked like a typical parish church to me!) and so after a polite look around that I headed to the sculpture.... now pause a minute to look at the photo...
Can you see how this depicts a 'cellist'!?.......
....No. nor could I, but I spent a good (and very determined) half an hour walking round it, standing back, moving closer, squinting at it through half closed eyes... etc etc- perhaps it was a particularly abstract pretentious 'interpretation'...
Eventually I rather grudgingly admitted defeat and resorted to my trusty 'AA Essential guide to NZ' for the explanation......
'........oooh...... a "CHALICE"!!!!!'
Exhibit B
I was helping Christine to sort the angel costumes for the pagaent....
me: "can you pass me a pin please Christine..."
Christine: "a pin or a pin?"
me: "err" (silently ...EH!!??) "..a pin!?"
Christine: "a PIN pin?"
me: (beginning plot how I could begin to back away slowly whilst making no sudden movements....) "um yes a pin"
Christine: "so you want this (holding up a pin) not this" (holding up a pen!!!)
and herein lies the fundamental flaw with the (otherwise fab!) kiwi accent..... the 'e' in any word is replaced by an 'i' sound but the 'i' in any word remains as an 'i'. So for example 'Les' becomes 'Liz' but 'Liz' remains as 'Liz' so 'Liz' could be 'Les' or 'Liz' and you don't know until the rather ambiguously-named person turns up, whether you are about the meet a 'Liz' or a 'Les'..... (a rather irreverent but practical thought has just occurred to me that this could potentially prove very useful for any guys called Les out here planning a sex change).
On that rather unfortunately seedy note ......I'll say goodbye! (I warned you there was no real news this week!) hope you're all well... would really would love to hear all your news too!
ps just want to clarify that any emails you send me will go directly to my private email address as normal and will not be published for all to see on this site as some have feared!!!)