Earlier this week we headed out to Arthur's Pass, a National Park where the road passes over the Southern Alps leading from Christchurch to the West Coast. Its stunning, the photos can attempt to do the talking.
Monday was Waitangi Day in New Zealand- A National holiday commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, between Maori hapa and the NZ Government. Bank Holiday weekend traditions are very similar over here- it rains, but on the day itself it cleared, which was good news for us and our trip!
The best bit of the day was climbing up the side of the Devil's Punchbowl waterfall, we reached the viewing platform via lots of steps (unusual for a NZ tramping trail..more like the National Trust!) and were greeted with approx 10 Japanese tourists and approx 100 camera's. (We witnessed them taking snaps of their group with the photographer's back to the stunning waterfall, they would have captured a lovely backdrop of the fencing and the bushes.) In a bid to escape them, we hopped over the fence and carried on further up and over the rocks to the main waterfall pool, was so exhillarating to feel the spray and taste the water fresh off the mountains!!
A few days later I was still suffering from leg-ache (disproportionate to the climb we did) - I was chatting to Neil and Natalie, one of the English couples from church, about the trip...
"Do your legs hurt??" asked Neil
"Why yes actually they do!!"
"Ahh (nodding sagely) its because we get used to no stairs over here".
and its true, I would estimate 90% of buildings here are single storey and stairs simply don't feature in daily life! Its like one giant retirement village in the sun! Also last weekend.... Rangiora Showground played host to 'Muscle Car Madness'. Yes the name really does say it all. I took one look at the ad in the local paper and shuddered, but after hearing Andrew (a car fanatic) and the boy's (car fanatics in the making) planning a visit I couldn't help but be a little bit intrigued , after all, if nothing else I could always add it to my growing list of 'Experiences-that-I Never-In-A-Milion-Years-Thought-I-Would-Be-Seen-Dead-At-Let Alone-Thoroughly-Enjoy". Knightsbridge?? that's on the Planet Zog isnt it!?
So off we went on Sunday afternoon, as we approached the showground we could hear and smell the rubber from the 'burn out' area (never did quite work out what this was, all I could make of it was a huge, baying crowd whooping at a succession of min (men) in their cars as they revved the engines and apply the brakes until they broke. (and you can stop rolling your eyes at my comments, all you male readers!!)
After that we began wading our way through the thick testosterone to look around the cars, and I must confess,
this was a real eye opener, many of these were absolute works of art. I couldn't perhaps appreciate the engine size or whatever but what colours and lines! - Stunning! Its a cliche but they certainly dont make them like they used to!
The showground was obviously also playing host that weekend to the National Convention of Brett's (for newer readers please refer to Update 3). I managed to snap one of them leaving at the end of the day. (SEE: I'M NOT EXAGGERATING!!!!)
Driving around Rangiora that weekend was a surreal experience, kind of like being in a cartoon world, every car in five was not quite as it should be!! It was as if Wacky Races had come to town...("Muttley!!! Get me out of this crrrream puff you dum-dum!!!")
Speaking of Brett.... it's Valentine's Day this week, don't know about you guys but Im planning a romantic candlelit evening in.... playing solitaire. which reminds me, I must inform Chelsea Post Office Sorting Depot that they don't need to bother getting in the extra supply of reinforced delivery bags this year. You think I'm kidding?? If I had a penny for every Valentines card I ever got, by now I would have... well, a couple of pence.Never mind, theres always good old mum (Im mean not-so-old!) who sent me a parcel today with amongst other goodies, a valentine's chocolate heart in. One of these years she won't have to bother!! sigh. (or to quote the legendary 'Muttley'; "snckn-fstn-mckn-snckn-wawa-grr")
I must say, as with Christmas, you just don't get the relentless marketing circus over here that you do in the UK and its quite refreshing! Although we did get a 'Valentine's Day Special Offer's' promo leaflet from the local pharmacy in our mailbox which I was intrigued to note included many creative gift ideas for romantic gestures; such as 'De-Worm' ('eliminates intestinal threadworm with one single-dose tablet') and 'Prioderm' ('for the treatment of headlice') Hmmm maybe Im not missing out on so much after all!
Other news...
Well I have a job! Praise God! It's not exactly a massive career move but that was never the plan by coming here! The NZ census is happening in March and I am one of the army of census collectors! It's a glorified paper round but its good money and I am employed for a month thats fab! I also had an agency phone me today with the possiblilty of an ongoing temporary part-time (mornings only) admin position in a local electrical company so hope to hear about that this week, on paper it sounds perfect with afternoons free to do church work but also a regular and adequate wage coming in..something I must admit that I miss! we'll see! Thank you so much for your prayers on this matter!
I had a lovely day last Saturday with Jessica, Emma. we ended up all going out together with the parents and spent the morning at the swimming pool and playpark in the ChCh botanical gardens then out for a drive to a few of the bays around the city (Lyttleton and Sumner for those of you who know the area!) Spending time with the girls is an absolute joy and their dad and step mum (Alan and Glenda) are lovely too.
Highlight of the day was chatting to a fisherman at Lyttleton who happened to catch a baby shark whilst we were there... never held a shark before (OK so only a baby one but I won't tell the grand kids that!).
Jessica and Emma had drawn me some pictures and Jessica had written a note on her's saying thankyou for having the 'funes' (sic) times she's ever had. We've only been to the park really so that says a lot about her life hey? heartbreaking. They have so little and been through so much but are the most joyous, lovely children I know!
Tomorrow night I'm joining up with the English Posse from church to go and watch the first of the Super 12 Rugby games at the Jade Stadium in ChCh.(kind of like the UEFA Cup but rugby not football and Southern not Northern hemisphere teams... (so come to think of it, absolutely nothing like the UEFA!!) Anyway, should be fun! ('Come on the Crusaders!!!' (just got to find out what colour they play in... oooh yuk, I sound like a total girl about sport, that will never do.)
Had a lovely treat this morning as mum,dad and sis rachel skyped me (called over the internet!) and they had managed to hook up their webcam so got to see them for the first time in months!!! was horrified how much they've aged.. (JUST KIDDING they looked great really!!!) Was very funny as they got quite camera-shy so I spent half the conversation looking at Dad's right ear, the top of Mum's head and Rachels shoulder, all was not lost though as I had a great view of Rachel's wardrobe door. (was wondering how that was getting on)
Seriously though, isn't technology wonderful!? I can sit at a wi-fi laptop, completely not plugged in and see my family the other side of the planet and hear them (and get a view via an intricate set up involving all the mirrors in the house of their new bathroom!) A guy at church (Peter) who moved here over 20 years ago said that in his first year here, to call his parents on Christmas Day he had to book a telephone call weeks in advance and if he missed the phone when the operator rang he had missed his chance!! Times have changed!
its getting late, think thats it for now...
write soon!- as always, love getting your news!
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