update two: birthdays', bonfires and bus queues! me with my lovely birthday flowers magically delivered by my parents on the day! (where would we be without interflora!?)
Hello Everyone, hope you are all well!
Since my first update, I have been busy settling into NZ/Rangiora life. The vicarage is now full as Andrew and Simeon (16) are back from Nepal. So family life is in full swing! Having 2 'younger brothers' is proving to be a lot of fun with much scope for teasing all round. Simeon and Josh are great guys and Christine has confided in me that they are really chuffed to have a 'big sister' about!
Ive just started my work with Andrew. Its all very flexible and informal, I have been given a list of projects that need doing and a laptop to do them with!! A lot needs to be started completely from scratch which is new territory for me but its great to have a blank canvas to work on if a little frustrating and challenging sometimes! Andrew and Christine have not lacked the heart for these areas in the church but more the time and support from some church members to implement the ideas.
I am keen to get going on several things, I mentioned the magazine launch last time and thats number one on my list with a first issue Christmas edition a target! Im also going to get my hands on Andrews office and completely reorganize it, there are links to be forged with the local media and other community groups and a general overhaul of the 'look and feel' of various aspects of the church and church life. Finally event management is of course a part of my role... the first one is tonight with a Newcomers Bonfire Night Fireworks BBQ (I find it very strange that bonfire parties & christmas do's here all feature BBQ's and cold drinks in the sunshine !!! )
I've also been out & about with Christine visiting a couple of parishioners etc... have really enjoyed this side of things and am quite taken with the what the role of vicars wife brings!! (and yes I have witnessed the tougher sides of that too!)
A lot of you were moved by my mention of Jessica, the little girl from the childrens choir. It was her birthday last week so we made a mini fuss of her with a card and a (rather ropey) rendition of happy birthday. When gently quizzed about her plans for that evening she said she had homework to do, there would be no special birthday tea or even presents to speak of. Please continue to pray, she is such a sweet and beautiful little girl.
Hearing from Jessica made me decide to look more positively on my own birthday which was on tues. I wasnt particularly looking forward to it being so far from friends and family and not a hope of any party! but it ended up a fab day. Simeon burst into my room to wake me with a bunch of flowers followed closely behind by a beaming Christine holding aloft a pile of pressies!! yey! I got spoilt rotten all day with the best bit being a trip to the cinemas to see Pride and Prejudice.... who can fail to be cheered by the sight of the DELICIOUS Mr Darcy striding manfully across the moors- eh ladies!?
There are only 4 other people in the church (and indeed the whole of Rangiora!) in the vague vicinity of my age. 2 english couples, Neil and Natalie who have been here a year and are employed as Youth and Childrens leaders, and Dan & Emma who arrived last week! They are all from St Thomas Crookes in Sheffield and are here as part of the Order of Mission community. I havent quite 'clicked' with them, I think if I'm honest I'm finding it difficult being the 'fifth spoke' in a number of ways they all sem to have each other! They do seem really lovely people though! I do get on with Emma, she is very funny and down to earth and we have enjoyed a few coffee sessions wondering what on earth we are doing in this odd and isolated town on the other side of the planet to everything we know! We are however enjoying these coffee sessions in the HOT SUNSHINE so this place is not all bad!!
Outside of church life I have landed myself a p-t job in the funkiest resturant in town- Native Thai. Its only for a couple of evenings a week and I am going to have to find more work as a matter of urgency (please pray!) to fund my way here. In the meantime I am getting to grips with life as a waitress after all these years..... its proving to be quite a challenge as firstly I have to decipher the really broad kiwi accents that some of the diners have, then I attempt to relay this to the chefs (none of whom speak any english) my next challenge is to try to identify which dish is which as they come out of the kitchens (all thai food looks scarily simliar on a plate! After all that if the diner seems satisfied with what is put infront of him I half expect to receive a standing ovation from everyone in the room!
Never mind- we muddle though. I often get wheeled out by the owners to mingle with the diners, as they enjoy chatting and finding out more about england- thats my favourite bit. They LOVE to hear my english accent and I often have to repeat things for them so they can hear it again!! its all done in good humour. Everyone is so incredibly friendly and I have already received several invitations round to tea and even one for Christmas day lunch with one dining couple (and that was before they had sunk their bottle of cheeky red!)
I have yet to explore much out of the local area. My friend Rachel (from HTB) is coming out in a few weeks and we are going on a 'grand tour' then. I have been into Christchurch a few times and also been shown round the stunning coastline and hills around that area.
Christchurch is a tiny but lovely 'city' very arty and VERY english- right down the the punting on the river Avon!! The thing that really struck me was how eerily quiet it all was- 2pm on a saturday afternooon in the city centre and it was dead!!! I initially thought that everyone was inside watching the 'Big Game' or something but Im beginning to realise thats just how it is out here. With only 4 million people in an area the size (v approx!) of the UK, (over one million are around the Auckland area and over 3 million are on the North Island.... it's no wonder they are spread out thinly here on the south island!
Whilst waiting for the bus into Christchurch I got chatting to an elderly lady. She commented that the bus was late. "its the traffic, its terrible today". I looked around bemused as a lone car swept over the distant horizon and an elderly cyclist trundled past on his squeaky bike. "Hmm yes- shocking"!!??
Speaking of unbearable excitements.. I had the radio on the other day, listening to a lady winning a competition where she won a vacuum cleaner. After listening to the poor woman practically go in to rapture over her prize ( she must live in Rangiora) I tried another station. So far so good until a couple of minutes later when they announced a competition coming up where you could win a..... vacuum cleaner!!!!! sigh.
Will write again next week. keep sending your news, its always great to hear from you!
take care
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